Do you think it is always easy to express yourself ?
I hardly do the talking. I prefer writing the most, followed by painting, and later comes singing. I rarely expressed myself verbally ! Hehe ;p
Earlier before i created this blog, and my other previous blogs, i have wrote every single events that happened in my life, in my precious diaries of life. I bought a diary every year. I wrote every single details there, on how i get frustrated after bad examination results, how i got scholarship after finishing the primary education, how do i falling in love, being heart broken, over joys and tears on my journey of life :')
Well, that's the way i express myself. Have you find yours ?
During my childhood years, i found painting as the greatest way to express myself. I am not good at painting at all, i swear. Haha. Put aside how bad my painting turns out to be, that is the only way i express myself to, and i found it exciting, and relaxing. My dad would bought me scratch pads, crayons, water colors, pencil colors, brushes, and i will start drawing. I love to draw a pictures of me with my family, my pets, shoes ( of my ambitions since i was a kid is to be a shoes designer ;p) and the things that i often draw is a pictures of Sunflower. Hee :')
The interesting part is i always became a winner in painting competitions every time i drew Sunflower. Haha. It never fails me. Yeay ! ;p
After finishing my Standard 2, i realized that painting is no longer to be the bestest medium for me to expressed myself (i means sometimes me myself can't figured out what i am trying to say by looking over my drawing. Haha) So i left drawing and painting, i never touched brushes after that.
Later, comes the time when i bought an exercise book (the one with brown-colored front page, do you remember ?) since i have finished the previous one. I accidentally wrote something about myself inside of the book (because obviously i can't stand myself staring at the blank pages of the book, i just know i want to write something) So i wrote and keep on writing after that. If you asked me when i first started blogging ? I will answer, two or three years before. But if you asked me, since when i started to write ? Since i was a kid :')
I love writing and i never had a problem to write an essay. The ideas are everywhere. I represented my schools on writing and essay competitions, i created my own kind of poems and sent it out to the publishers. I enjoyed and cherished every single moments of my life.
At the age of 14 i started to read Khadijah Hashim novels (sangat old-skool) I was not a friendliest person you will ever meet at that time, and you might be thinking that i'm a freak. Haha. Khadijah Hashim who ? People asked. I even dreaming to be the next Khadijah Hashim. Hahaha (case closed) ;p
I keep on writing until today.
The only reason i keep on writing is because i love to do so. I can express almost everything by writing, what i feels, my thoughts, my point of views etc
So, that's my stories.
What is yours ?