Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Post 93: Big Bad Wolf Sales - 7th - 23rd December 2012

Hi Ms Cindir-rela .. so i dedicated this post especially for you haha ;p

I'm so sorry that i have abandoned my blog for so long. Other than lacking of interesting topics to be discussed about, i found myself struggling between works and personal life. It has never been easy. Never. It is tough. Sometime i would just cried while having shower. Everything does not seems in place. It is so hard to keep motivating oneself but i tried, and still trying .. because remember what, everything happens for a reason(s)

So, i went to the most awaited Book Sales for this year end on last Monday, December 10th. I took one day off specially to attend to this one. Oh by the way, it is still going on till December 23rd at Mines International Exhibition & Convention Center (MIECC) which located just beside or behind The Mines Shopping Mall. It is open to public from 9:00am till 9:00pm .. and the books there are so so SO CHEAP .. you will get the price as low as RM3 !!! How cool is that eh ? Yippiee :'))

I went there with a mission to buy as many Motivational and Self-Help books as i could. Trust me, all books looked too yummy and i was there for almost four(4) hours straight and it was never feel long enough for me to do the browsing and selections. I may need to give The Wolf another visit. Yeah

So below are my purchases at the sale, and i'm one satisfied wolfie hihi ^__^