Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Post 99: For future reference (Unifi undetectable wireless connection)

I've had encountered this problem when trying to get my wireless connection while at home. I found out that it is not because of device issue (i.e network adapter) as i can see my neighbour or my neighbour's neighbour wireless signal but mine unfortunately gone invisible haha -__-"

Since i need to ensure that my wireless connection is stable as i'm doing oncall, so i have come over to the solutions of this matter. Found it while browsing through lowyat.net. So, if you are happened to received the similar error, kindly try below simple steps, it works magic hehe (thanks so much for this guy in lowyat.net for sharing)

Here's the solution:

1) Use a LAN cable to connect your computer to your router or use a friend's PC who could access your wireless network.
2) Log in to your D-Link control panel via in your browser. Enter username as "admin", password leave blank. Click on Login button.
3) Go to Wireless Setup on your left hand panel.
4) Go to Manual Wireless Connection Options section, click on the Manual Wireless Connection Setup button.
5) Go to Wireless Network Global Settings, un-check the Enable Auto Channel Selection option.
6) Change the Wireless Channel to 11.
7) Save the settings. Restart your computer, and then magically, you could reuse your wireless unifi connection again!

Hopefully it works on yours as well :)

Monday, 29 July 2013

Post 98: Tips Kurus


Saya sepatutnya update gambar kan. I know. Tapi agak kemalasan nak transfer. Sekarang tengah standby. Next week in syaa Allah keh

Ramai tanya macam mana boleh kurus ? Sakit ke ? Makan apa ? Selalu saya senyum je ngee ngee ngee *sengih* Kalau yang tanya tu sedara-mara, Abah dengan Mak yang rajin jawabkan "Dia diet" or "Dia lari" hehe

Saya pernah share kalau tak silap on how i reduced weight, tapi i don't mind to repeat it all over again. Orang kata, sharing is caring hihik ;)

Ada yang tanya, kenapa saya tiba-tiba nak reduced weight, nak kahwin ke ? Which the answer is no *tapi kalau da jodoh tak ke mana* krik krik krik *bunyi cengkerik*

I decided to lose weight out of sudden sebab dah tak selesa dengan berat sendiri. Kalau orang kata tembam apa semua tu da agak lali da, tapi bila diri sendiri yang tak selesa dan rasa gemok then i knew i need to do something.

On 20th January 2013, saya start menjaga eating habits saya. At first, i restricted myself from some types of foods. Taknak karbohidrat tinggi, lemak tinggi, processed foods, itu tak boleh ini tak boleh. Tapi agak susah, especially masa bekerja, there were limited selections of foods. So i decided to re-think of my diet plans. The rule is: Saya boleh makan semua jenis makanan yang saya nak. Semua. WITH limited portions. Disebabkan susah nak kawal jenis makanan yang diambil, jadi saya control jumlah pengambilan. Itu i am very sure i can manage that. Some more, saya lebih fokus kepada nak tukar eating habits so i figured out that i need to teach myself. Saya tak boleh tak makan nasi, i need that badly or else, saya akan makan berganda-ganda untuk cover kelaparan which is bad decision

Tapi bila boleh makan semua, kena jadi bijak. Jangan makan nasi lemak hari-hari pulak. Seminggu sekali saya ambil. Kadang-kadang, hari sabtu/ahad makan nasi lemak, isnin pon makan jugak haha .. tapi like i said, kena pandai kawal, sambal letak sikit, nasi suku/separuh bungkus, telur goreng without kuning nya. Kalau minum susu pulak, saya pilih Low Fat Milk instead of Full Cream.

Haa lepas tu kan, saya suka sangat coklat..terseksa jiwa raga tak makan coklat. At first, saya guna Dark Choc tapi mahal. Ni bukan kawalan lemak saja, kawalan duit pon hahaha. So one day, saya masuk Cold Storage cari ilham dan terpandang Kit-Kat *kit-kat yang boleh patah 2 tu* i can't believe it's only 90cal ! Apa lagi, amik sebungkus..dalam tu ada enam packs kecik-kecik. Jimat. Haha. Setiap selang dua hari makan sebungkus. Menikmati sangat gayanya *buat muka macam dalam iklan makanan*

Saya akan ambil measurement every two days. Mula-mula tu memang lemah semangat tengoknya..alahai nombor dekat penimbang mcm tak bergerak. Terus ambil phone and downloaded applications untuk senaman di rumah. Eh eh banyak rupanya. Phone korang kan dah canggih-canggih sekarang..ape lagi download la hihi

Since then bermula la, krup krap krup krap *bunyi makan* lepas tu malam-malam kang hiah hiah hiah *bersenam* gigih sangat *kagum dengan diri sendiri* hahaha sesekali ;p

One thing i remembered, i never lose focus. Bila korang nak ubah something, for sure ada orang berbunyi. But try so hard to ignore them. Ubah untuk kebaikan diri sendiri jugak kan, bukan orang lain. I love myself more so biar la orang nak kata apa, underestimate effort korang ke. Dont worry much :')

And another tips, jangan nak rushing2. Hari-hari timbang, bila tengok tak turun, da sedih-sedih. No no no. Lemak diternak setahun, takkan boleh hilang dalam masa seminggu. Rite ? Kena rational. Turun sikit-sikit tapi steady. Sebulan saya paling maximum boleh kurang 5kg je not more. Makin lama saya makin faham konsepnya, saya da tak ambil kisah pasal berat sangat asalkan body fat saya turun. Sebab berat tu banyak cabangnya, kena tau dari mana dia turun, air ke, lemak ke, or muscle which is not good

Besides, saya suka follow page Kevin Zahri, suka baca Successful Stories orang lain sebagai inspirasi. Buat saya rasa "kalau dia boleh, kenapa aku tak? aku pon boleh" dan follow instagram dia jugak. Banyak tips dan info dalam tu. Diane Sera pon saya baca..sangat kagum dengan effort dia and proud of whom she becomes now :') Now my current weight is 49kg. Nak turun lagi 4kg hihih. Sebab saya rendah orangnya. My previous weight is 68kg or more sebab seminggu after start diet, baru saya timbang hihi

Okay, panjangnya membebel. Summary nya, makan la apa nak makan TAPI control portions dan do exercise a bit

Yang mana dalam usaha nak lose weight tu, semoga berjaya. Nak turun berat, kena selalu happy, jangan stress selalu dear. Oh, kalau ada apa2 nak tanya..just drop your comment here..kita kongsi2


Thursday, 11 April 2013

Post 96: Kesayangan

They are all my favorites, and they are actually stray cats, we are feeding them for breakfast, lunch and dinner or whenever necessary hihi

Got five of them who often coming. But too bad, as i capture these pictures at noon after returning from work, Puteh is not around. He usually visits us in the morning or whenever he feels to do so. Sebab dia macam abang kawasan sikit haha. Jalan-jalan when hungry only he will remember us ;p

Comel sangat kan ? Tu belum tengok keletah dia lagi.
Suka dengki diorang time makan. Dok tarik-tarik mangkuk tu, nanti
dia mengikut je hihi

Oh btw, ive had just finished oncall. Phew, there's in total of five escalations during my support. The first one was on Thursday, received it at 11:30PM, and on the next Monday i received another four. F.O.U.R escalations received in O.N.E day and to make it sounds interesting, it was happening at 3.15AM, yupp you're right - in the morning haha

Bangun tidur dalam keadaan mamai. Tengok message, problem and
system name. Tiba-tiba terpandang severity, it was severity 1 issue and it involves machine access. Bagus, complete package haha

But you know what, during this particular times that you could value yourself. How do you handling a critical situations and you, who needs to came out with the solutions, with no reference.

Starting with how you determine the problems, how would you solved it, backup plan encase something's happening in between and finally you who should coming with decisions. Alhamdulillah, i managed to solved the escalations and everything seems working well that morning.
Tapi esoknya mengantuk datang office tersengguk-sengguk tak cukup tidur haha. Habis oncall baru claim tidur.

Orite, that's all for now. Looking forward for the weekend setelah seminggu bertapa di rumah. Nak keluar, nak makan, makan banyak-banyak..nak makan tu nak makan ni nyum nyum lepas tu badan naik semula bising hihik ;p

Nitey all. Daa

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Post 95: How to Lose 10kgs in Approximately Three Months or Less

and this is my stories ..

On 20th January 2013, i started to control every foods portions i consumed. I basically controls everything, carbs and sugar definitely

I started with basic workout. At first i thought crunches are the best options when over readings more on fitness information i finally knew that i was wrong since the beginning uhuk

If you have a high level of body fat percentage, crunches do nothing to your body. It will always be helpful and useful to do cardio first in order to get rid of that fats. I started with 37.8% body fat percentage which now lowered to 32.8% - By referring to the Tanita scale i bought, it says if you have a body fat of  >34 it is considered as Overfat (for female)

Not to my surprised when Body Mass Index(BMI) reading indicates me as Overweight uhuk

So i started slowly, tried to change my eating habits. It's difficult but i seems so consistent. I drank more waters, approximately 4L every days. I do not take fast foods and processed foods.

At night after work, i will do some workouts. The first few weeks i started with those following basic workouts:-

1. Daily Cardio Workout (Jog in place, Jumping Jacks, Knee Ups, Butt Knickers, Mountain Climber Pulls, Step Ups, Plie Squat Hops, Ski Hops, Shuffle Punches, Jump Rope)

2. Daily Butt Workout (Squat, Front Lunges, Side Lunges, Deadlift, Donkey Kick Right, Donkey Kick Left, Hip Bridge, Leg Extensions, Flutter Kicks, Froggy Glute Lifts)

3. Daily Arm Workout (Overhead Press, Bicep Curls, Tricep Extension Right, Tricep Extension Left, Bent Over Row, Front Raises, Reverse Bridge Dips, Half Push-Ups, High Side Plank Right, High Side Plank Left)

4. Daily Leg Workout (Side Leg Lift Right, Side Leg Kick Right, Inner Thigh Raise Left, Side Leg Lift Left, Side Leg Kick Left, Inner Thigh Raise Right, Hamstring Curls, Quad Lifts, Static Lunge Right, Static Lunge Left)

Other than listed workouts, i also do cycling on eclipse trainer..my target is 8km every times i cycled

And after a month, i started doing weight-lifting..and trust me, if you want to burn more fats..do these two things..weight-lifting and cardio, you'll shred those fats relatively fast

After almost three months, ive got a normal BMI readings and i'm healthy now, but still in the progress of losing few more kgs

Whenever you want to lose some weight, please bear in minds these three words i get hold on to. DETERMINATION. CONSISTENCY. PATIENT

Mari lah kita menjadi sihat bersama-sama :))

Oh lagi satu tips, bila mula2 nak start workout, kalau ada suara2 sumbang mencemuh..peduli kan saja and stick to your goal ! Be firm !

Another tips, if terasa nak makan apa2, makan saja in fact i ate chocolate every twice a day hihi .. sebab saya suka coklat .. tapi sebelum makan apa2, saya akan fikir dulu..if aku makan ni, aku kena bakar sekian2 calories..larat ke aku ? Agak2 tak larat, jangan makan..nak makan jugak boleh..jamah sesuap dua


Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Post 94: Foods are now the greatest enemy

Haha *tak boleh nak fikir title apa* ;p

Hello peeps, how are you ? Hope everything is running smoothly around you :)

I have been so long in hiatus, working life is okay not that hectic at the moment, perhaps i have got busy with other things hik3 ;p

Living with the family will always be everyone's favorite kan..especially in terms of ehem you will never ever missed your meal, breakfast, lunch dinner and even supper ! There comes another stories, weight gained ! As much as i love my mom's cooking (nasi lemak, sambal udang with petai, ayam goreng berempah, ikan bakar sambal .. oh by typing these pon da terliur kot) i hate this ugly fats i gained. Haha ;p

So i started to workout last week. LAST WEEK. Kecoh je lebih kan ? Ekeke. But i motivates myself for every changes we want it to be happened, there must be a first step. So on 20th January i started my baby steps. I want to make it naturally, meaning that i have to control foods portions as well as doing workout.

The first day doing workout i felt like fainted. Serious pancit. Haha. Then because of i only have the manual weighing scale, i in need of the new one, digital scale it is. So i bought one in Fitness Concept, TANITA Ultra Slim Scale, it can measure body weight, body fat and water percentage. Nak masuk Fitness Concept tu pon malu-malu tau hihih because at that time there was nobody inside, cuma ada around lima abang trainer kot yang fit-fit dalam tu. Tapi takpe, because i am so desperate so buat muka tebal. Hihih. But of course they are so nice explaining every single functions to me. Thank you :)

I set to lose those extra baggage the latest by year end. And hopefully i am strong enough to fight every nafsu makan haha ;p

And you know what, sometimes when we do something good, people tends to make fun of us. The best remedy is just to ignore the negative vibes and keep our self in line towards our goal for when the result being achieved, we can look at them and say "Hi, i am here standing still" :)

Note to myself - Don't ever underestimate others. Be good to everyone including the ones hurting you. Berbaik sangka pada orang. Be positive and keep healthy.

That's all for now.

Daa :)