Thursday, 11 April 2013

Post 96: Kesayangan

They are all my favorites, and they are actually stray cats, we are feeding them for breakfast, lunch and dinner or whenever necessary hihi

Got five of them who often coming. But too bad, as i capture these pictures at noon after returning from work, Puteh is not around. He usually visits us in the morning or whenever he feels to do so. Sebab dia macam abang kawasan sikit haha. Jalan-jalan when hungry only he will remember us ;p

Comel sangat kan ? Tu belum tengok keletah dia lagi.
Suka dengki diorang time makan. Dok tarik-tarik mangkuk tu, nanti
dia mengikut je hihi

Oh btw, ive had just finished oncall. Phew, there's in total of five escalations during my support. The first one was on Thursday, received it at 11:30PM, and on the next Monday i received another four. F.O.U.R escalations received in O.N.E day and to make it sounds interesting, it was happening at 3.15AM, yupp you're right - in the morning haha

Bangun tidur dalam keadaan mamai. Tengok message, problem and
system name. Tiba-tiba terpandang severity, it was severity 1 issue and it involves machine access. Bagus, complete package haha

But you know what, during this particular times that you could value yourself. How do you handling a critical situations and you, who needs to came out with the solutions, with no reference.

Starting with how you determine the problems, how would you solved it, backup plan encase something's happening in between and finally you who should coming with decisions. Alhamdulillah, i managed to solved the escalations and everything seems working well that morning.
Tapi esoknya mengantuk datang office tersengguk-sengguk tak cukup tidur haha. Habis oncall baru claim tidur.

Orite, that's all for now. Looking forward for the weekend setelah seminggu bertapa di rumah. Nak keluar, nak makan, makan banyak-banyak..nak makan tu nak makan ni nyum nyum lepas tu badan naik semula bising hihik ;p

Nitey all. Daa


  1. amboi! nak makan banyak2, lepas tu bersalah lari banyak2 pulak! hahah.

  2. Haha ni exceptional case. Makan2 selepas oncall adalah harus haha
