Saturday, 6 April 2013

Post 95: How to Lose 10kgs in Approximately Three Months or Less

and this is my stories ..

On 20th January 2013, i started to control every foods portions i consumed. I basically controls everything, carbs and sugar definitely

I started with basic workout. At first i thought crunches are the best options when over readings more on fitness information i finally knew that i was wrong since the beginning uhuk

If you have a high level of body fat percentage, crunches do nothing to your body. It will always be helpful and useful to do cardio first in order to get rid of that fats. I started with 37.8% body fat percentage which now lowered to 32.8% - By referring to the Tanita scale i bought, it says if you have a body fat of  >34 it is considered as Overfat (for female)

Not to my surprised when Body Mass Index(BMI) reading indicates me as Overweight uhuk

So i started slowly, tried to change my eating habits. It's difficult but i seems so consistent. I drank more waters, approximately 4L every days. I do not take fast foods and processed foods.

At night after work, i will do some workouts. The first few weeks i started with those following basic workouts:-

1. Daily Cardio Workout (Jog in place, Jumping Jacks, Knee Ups, Butt Knickers, Mountain Climber Pulls, Step Ups, Plie Squat Hops, Ski Hops, Shuffle Punches, Jump Rope)

2. Daily Butt Workout (Squat, Front Lunges, Side Lunges, Deadlift, Donkey Kick Right, Donkey Kick Left, Hip Bridge, Leg Extensions, Flutter Kicks, Froggy Glute Lifts)

3. Daily Arm Workout (Overhead Press, Bicep Curls, Tricep Extension Right, Tricep Extension Left, Bent Over Row, Front Raises, Reverse Bridge Dips, Half Push-Ups, High Side Plank Right, High Side Plank Left)

4. Daily Leg Workout (Side Leg Lift Right, Side Leg Kick Right, Inner Thigh Raise Left, Side Leg Lift Left, Side Leg Kick Left, Inner Thigh Raise Right, Hamstring Curls, Quad Lifts, Static Lunge Right, Static Lunge Left)

Other than listed workouts, i also do cycling on eclipse target is 8km every times i cycled

And after a month, i started doing weight-lifting..and trust me, if you want to burn more these two things..weight-lifting and cardio, you'll shred those fats relatively fast

After almost three months, ive got a normal BMI readings and i'm healthy now, but still in the progress of losing few more kgs

Whenever you want to lose some weight, please bear in minds these three words i get hold on to. DETERMINATION. CONSISTENCY. PATIENT

Mari lah kita menjadi sihat bersama-sama :))

Oh lagi satu tips, bila mula2 nak start workout, kalau ada suara2 sumbang mencemuh..peduli kan saja and stick to your goal ! Be firm !

Another tips, if terasa nak makan apa2, makan saja in fact i ate chocolate every twice a day hihi .. sebab saya suka coklat .. tapi sebelum makan apa2, saya akan fikir dulu..if aku makan ni, aku kena bakar sekian2 calories..larat ke aku ? Agak2 tak larat, jangan makan..nak makan jugak boleh..jamah sesuap dua



  1. huh, all those ' workout names" i kene google, what was that? what the f is that? kihkihkih..

    wow! a lot of disipline we need there!!!! bravo fren!

    gudluck k! and plssss. if dh dapat berat yg diimpikan, pls dont stop doing all this. :P

  2. haha if you used Android phone, just search it under Playstore..ive got mine from there

    kalau tak..kena rajin2 cari dekat Youtube hee
