Sunday 19 January 2014

Post 102: Over Foods Craving and Kek Batik

Minggu ni terasa nak makan Chocolate, Cake and Cookies

Disebabkan baru habis oncall and i will be on leave until next Tuesday, so perasaan nak hangout di luar on weekend hampir tiada. Terasa nak berehat di rumah, sambil layan channel #Foxcrime, membelek Insta Shop dan mengunyah

Jadi, terfikir nak buat Kek Batik. Tengok resepi macam senang. m. a. c. a. m. Hehe..yelah tak payah bakar-bakar. Masuk bahan-bahan dan gaul kan.

So beli la bahan-bahannya:
1. Biskut Marrie (1 Pack)
2. Krimer Manis
3. Butter (250g)
4. Milo
5. Almond (Optional)

Cara nak buat:
1. Panaskan kuali dan masukkan Butter bersama Milo
2. Gaul laju-laju jangan sampai berketul (not my favorite part of course hehe)
3. Campurkan Krimer Manis (saya letak suku tin saja, taknak manis sangat)
4. Bila dah mendidih, ada bunyi Blurp Blurp Blurp (ekeke mcm ikan)..masukkan Biskut Marrie yang telah siap dipatah-patah kan
5. Gaulkan biskut sampai rata dan masukkan dalam loyang
6. Sejukkan empat(4) jam 

Jangan dipandang rupa luaran okay, walaupun nampak macam tak semenggah sikit tapi rasa terbaik! Hak3 *krik krik krik bunyi cengkerik*

So, craving satisfied ! Chocs + Cookies + Cake = Kek Batik


Wednesday 15 January 2014

Post 101: Workout Routines and Before Photo

Hi i am back!

Tamat sudah oncall pagi tadi so hari ni boleh online dan tidur dengan tenang.

Right until now masih ada yang tanya, macam mana boleh kurus ? Makan apa ?

"Makan nasi ngehehe"

I used to train myself with eclipse trainer everyday during the first month i started. I'll be cycling for about an hour or more, eight to ten km per day. That was on the first month. Semangat lain macam sikit hak3

On the second months, i decided to do both eclipse trainer and weight training alternately. Tu pun after found out that i was so wrong to make myself do crunches dengan lemak masih di sana sini lagi. Selain kena control food portions and workout, kena rajin-rajin baca about fitness jugak, cause it helps alot. Oh btw, between crunches and plank, i prefer plank more..crunches buat saya sakit belakang. So bila korang nak try any workout routines, make sure badan boleh adapt dan ikut kemampuan badan okay :))

Ni saya nak share channel bagus dekat Youtube, it is Fitness

Kalau ikut video-video dalam tu, you won't need any equipments pun..senang kan ? Just follow instructor tu punya steps. Selalunya saya akan pilih untuk Cardio, Thigh, Butt (ekeke), Arms, Waist and Shoulder. Hari ni macam nak mencuba something new so i decided to do Cardio Kickboxing. 

Gambar penimbang dekat bawah ni was when i reached below 50kg for the first time after so many years :)) Terharu jadi ambil gambar kenangan hihi

And below is Before photo. Actually ada gambar yang lagi gemuk, tak tergamak nak letak ekeke. So jadi la ye. Gambar bawah ni waktu berat 65 ~ 68kg rasanya. Nampak besar eventhough pakai baju kurung, yelah saya rendah je 152 that's why. After Photo cuba tengok Post 100. Tak nak letak gambar banyak-banyak, saya pemalu hahaha adeh..segan la segan, faham ? ;p ;p Ni letak pun selepas fikir banyak kali sebab mana tau boleh jadi motivation orang lain :))

Sebab before this, saya pon selalu je usha "Successful Stories" dekat ambil motivation dan pinjam semangat orang lain dari situ. Biar positif selalu :))

Jadi, kepada awak awak yang sedang dalam process menurunkan berat, jangan putus asa keh. Control food portions, get active, discipline, positive ! Lagi satu, kalau boleh..makan lah makanan yang awak akan ambil jugak even after dah discontinued diet. Ubah biar jadi eating habits. Jangan time diet tak ambil itu ini, bila dah turun, excited makan macam-macam, langsung naik balik berat (pesanan utk diri sendiri)

Mari kurus secara sihat ye :))

Saturday 4 January 2014

Post 100: Welcome 2014 and Goodbye 2013


Wow Post yang ke seratus falls apparently on 2014 eh ? Hihih

Lama tak update. Tak sompek. Busy *konon-konon*

So to conclude what ive gone through on 2013 eh..let see:-

1. Managed to lose 21 kilos of extra baggage - Decided to lose weight on 20th January, time ni memang betul2 rasa tak selesa dengan diri..i wont care much pon if orang lain be it family, friends or outsider tegur chubby and all that but once me myself felt so uncomfortable physically, that was the time when i realized i need to have some make the new branding me haha

2. Went for Umrah on 27th May - I dont know how to describe the feeling. I was so scared since beginning, i felt like i dont deserved to be there..diri yang kerdil dan penuh dosa. But apart of me was eagerly want to be there, i want to see Kaabah before my eyes. Nak sangat. For us Muslims, who doesn't right ? Alhamdulillah for the chance You have given Ya Allah :))

3. Being an aunt just a few days before i went for Makkah. Hadin Raid, this is Mak Ngah and i love you. Previously, i'm not the type of person who likes to entertain kids. Of course i love them but i felt awkward whenever i saw other girl goes *olololo muchuk muchuk sayang dia* *tomey nya diaaaa eeee* hahaha i really felt awkward okay, sebelum ni la, because i can't express the same feeling towards kids.
Whenever i saw kids, will go *comelnya* sambil usik2 pipi sikit, okay dah haha.

But now hahaha now..looks what this little boy has done to me.. *eee comelnya geramnya geget dia* *muah pipi kiri* *muah pipi kanan* and repeated the same sentence all over again *eee comey comey geyam* automatically being pelat hahaha kenapa dan mengapakah..such an annoying aunt betul la haha

4. Went for flying fox at Skytrex Adventure Bukit Cahaya Shah Alam for the first time! I have a fear of height so, to climb up the 17 meters ladder platform and to perform 26 thrilling challenges 17meters away from the ground was really not an easy tasks for me..felt like my life was at stake literally hehe. I enjoyed the moment there cause seems like i will never come back again haha

5. In terms of work, i started doing Rule Restructure for the first time. Won't talk so much about it in here ehehe

Okay thats all the limelight of 2013..the rest i'll keep it to myself. Oh yes, what are the new year resolutions eh ? I'll simplify it as:

1. Be a better Muslim. In syaa Allah. Maybe i could start with wearing loose tops first, and slowly changing the entire look. In syaa Allah :))

2. Saving more. Don't splurge much on unnecessary items okay Daya ?!

3. Find and explore new job opportunities

4. Making new friends and perhaps could find my soul mate maybe ? Haha..okay yang ni paling pressure okay, when you had cousins at your age and they have already got married and left you alone, trust me you will be the focal point during family gathering it aunties, uncles, atoks and everyone started to pointing out to you and keep asking the same questions all over again. I felt like jotting down the list and hand it over to them so they could find for me, how i wish la abis tu asyik tanya je, nah ambil dan cari kan..mekasih hahaha. Frankly speaking, i don't know where to find one pon. Tehehe

Gambar beberapa keping di bawah ni saja yang dapat dipaparkan. Maafkan saya, blogger tak berapa tegar memang macam ni..baru kena upload gambar sikit dah hilang fokus ahaha ;p


Salam and have a nice day ahead